Chelsey’s birthday was the perfect occasion. So we went all out and decided to get away from the incredible conversation.
It was a great birthday but (hopefully) not the last hurrah!
My name, Beatrice, is of Latin origin and means "blessed and voyager". Both words capture accurately how I feel about what I have and how I live. Because of Dante's Divine Comedy, Beatrician describes a moment "concerning a revelatory or transcendental vision or experience". In reality, this is but bits and pieces of this wonderful and interesting moment in time which I call LIFE.
Chelsey’s birthday was the perfect occasion. So we went all out and decided to get away from the incredible conversation.
It was a great birthday but (hopefully) not the last hurrah!
Some alternatives include posting it on Breadnet, sending it to the photography competition, handing is as a cover sheet for my final paper, and lastly, posting it on my blog. I’ve chosen the latter.
After Mozart’s Requiem, Nichole, Chelsey and I stood outside the
In the evening, and after a lot of reading, seven of us went to watch Mozart’s Requiem at the Sheldoniam Theatre. It was an amazing performance by 10 singers and a band of 22.
Class is always interesting. I leave inspired by the passion and literary genius of the British writers during the 17th and 18th
century. No matter what, the writers found a way to voice their opinions through poems, plays, letters and novels. The multiple layers of meaning (ranging from the political to the personal) give the works a depth that is hard to grasp in our century, when liberty is a hallmark.
After class I ran into a friend in crisis. The crisis was solved almost immediately. What is forth mentioning is that she looked to me for support. I know it takes me a while to get to know people, and so I was grateful that she thought of me and so I did my best to put her at ease.
I went to the conference at 5:30pm at the Oakshot Room. The guest speaker was Victorian literature scholar Dinah Birch. The seminar was so amazing I had absolutely no questions.
Although I enjoyed the cocktail (Debonnet and sparking lemonade), dinner was the beginning of the evening. I sat with Chelsey and Nichole who sang various songs of a movie, or play, or something (I will never see) called
Weird English blokes…
Telling Dave what NOT to say (ever)…
It was a great night!
We arrived at 5pm, with two hours to spare before the performance. We split up into small groups and found different places to have dinner. Ten of us ate at the Lamb, a resturant specializing in English/Mediterranean food. It was a wonderfully relaxing dinner!
Although I was a bit confused by the first 20 minutes of the play, the entire performance was stupendous. Faltaff, in particular, had the entire audience roaring with laughter well before the intermission.
Then we went to the Uptown House and Gardens, one of the tourist attractions hosted by the National Trust. John and I were particularly interested in the Uptown House because it was the estate of the founders of Shell, the company my grandfather (George Viney) worked for when he was transferred to Venezuela at 28 years old. We had lunch at the Pavilion Restaurant, took pictures of the grounds and visited the art exhibition (which included advertising posters for Shell when it first began). Although it rained on and of throughout the visit, I enjoyed the beautiful garden and the time I spent with the family.